Consume 18 recombine pellets in a secret room

This is a megaphone test shout. Try it out! It is very cool. You can write any message to all players here
Inbox feature coming soon
User settings has been moved to the right side of the menu --->
Change your password? Click here
Sharing your password with others may result in a permanent account ban. Public accounts are subject to ban + level reset.Battle Royale Competitions & Rewards this weekend!
Server | Players | Game Mode |
Server | Players | Game Mode |
Server | Players | Game Mode |
RecombineInfection Mode
Drop WallSpectate
Toggle CameraMinions
Toggle ControlTip: right-click to remove
Gold Member Only Settings
Your Private Settings
The purpose of the game is to grow large by eating other smaller cells and dominate the server. As you grow larger, you will reach the leaderboard (top right of your screen). Depending on which server you play on, there are different ways and techniques.
Controls:Press SPACE to split your cells. W to feed. You can also hold W or Z to autofeed and autosplit. Use your mouse to control where your cell moves.
Powerups:Powerups help you reach the leaderboard, are incredibly satisfying, and make you feel powerful. Powerups will display in the bottom of your screen, in your inventory. If you are a new player, you will not have any powerups, so you will need to either farm them in the game, or collect coins in game and buy them from the shop. As you play, you will level up your account if you are registered and logged in.
Servers:The easiest servers to start playing on are "Crazy", and "Selffeed" servers. You will see all the servers in the serverlist on the right side of the menu. Click on a server and you will connect to it. Selffeed servers are easy to play on because you only need to hold W and Z keys on your keyboard at the same time to grow large! Very simple. Once you are large, you can try to split and eat other players, but you must time it correctly or they will eat you first!
Friends:Agma is great to play with friends and teammates. You can chat, add friends to your friendlist (button located at the top right of the screen, left from the leaderboard), and private chat with friends. You can right click another player's cells in the game OR the player's name in the chat, and select the option "invite to party". You will then be in the same squad/group/party as that player and you can see each other on the map (located at the bottom right), speak privately in the Party chat, and team on the server.
Advanced:You can also learn more advanced tips, tricks, secrets by reading a know-all agma guide written by our staff member Shade and contributed to by tens of other well known agma members. It is one of the best compiled resources with information, and was worked on for over a year. It is currently FREE for everyone to read, and can be found in PDF format here (click)
If you have any other questions, such as how to get gold name, donator rank, red youtuber name, bots, or anything else, please read the FAQ page or join our discord and ask in the chat channel. We are active and will help answer questions, show you the game, and join playing with you if you need a teammate!
Enter your username or email that you registered with on agma. You will receive an e-mail with a link to reset and change your password. The link will be valid for 1 hour.
Note: You might need to check your spam, newsletter, or promotions folder in your inbox to find the reset e-mail.You receive +1 free spin every 24 hours
Remaining spins: 0
Free 1 per day or buy from shop
Challenge Level: 0
Complete Today's Challenge and receive reward
(3 challenge stars, 10 SoraPoints, 20 level XP)
Mystery Key
Complete Challenges to Unlock Rewards:
[Locked Emote]10
[+Recombine Inv Slot]15
[Locked Emote]20
[+Speed Inv Slot]30
[+Mystery Key]40
[+Inv Slot]STATS
Challenges completed:
0Total Challenge Stars obtained:
0[Easy: 0]
[Medium: 0]
[Hard: 0]
(You have no owned skins)
Upload your own skins here!
(scroll down for instructions)
24.April.2022: If you upload a skin that breaks the rules, your skin slot may be removed. Read the rules (at the bottom) carefully before submitting a skin for review.
Watch YouTube Tutorial:
YouTube Tutorial - How to get a custom skin
How it works:
1. Buy one or more Custom Skin slots (you can get coins here)
2. Upload an image of your choice and enter a skinname
3. Choose either to share your skin public for everyone to use, or keep it for private use only
4. Press Save button when you are ready
5. After saving your skin it must be approved by staff before use (can take a few days)
6. Play with your skin after approval *
Image requirements & Rules:
- PNG-files only (JPG-files are also allowed but not recommended)
- Maximum file size: 1MB (max size for JPG is 0.5MB)
- Recommended dimension: 512 x 512 pixels (min = 128 x 128, max = 1024 x 1024)
- NO copyright images (sorry no skins from other io games)
- NO abusive or inappropriate content
- NO smoking, cleavage/sensual skin, bood
* Your custom skin does not expire. Once approved, your skin cannot be changed anymore for a period of 30 days. After 30 days you will have the option to change the skin again. Please note that changed skins must be approved again before use.
(Try before you Buy to see how it looks on your cell)
You have: 0 referrals
Limited Edition Skin Sale - gift a friend, or own it yourself!
The megaphone lets you shout a message of your choice, to all online players on all servers. Your message will pop up on the top right corner and last for 30 seconds.
Choose cell color
Any inappropriate messages or cuss words in your shout will result in a ban.
All messages get reviewed by the staff team.
200 000
560 000
1 200 000
4 200 000
14 000 000
You are buying: 200 000 Coins
For username: Please Login First
Purchase takes 2 minutes. Pay via PayPal (or click alternative).
Your coins will be added immediately
after you have paid.
FPS: | --- |
Ping: | --- |
Top Mass: | 0 |
Cells: | 0 |
Chat Commands
Command | Description |
/help | Show list of commands |
/claim | Claim free coins every day |
/level | Shout your level in the game |
/rank | Shout your rank in the game |
/hours | Shout total time spent online |
/stats | Shout your battleroyale stats |
/coins | Shout your coins in the game |
/pm username> | Private message a friend |
/party message | Message all party members |
/ping | Show your ping |
/fps | Show your FPS |
/spin | Spin your cells |
/shake | Shake your cells |
/jump | Jump your cells |
/flip | Flip your cells |
/wacky | Emoji on your cells |
Mod Commands
(Hidden - for moderators only)Consume 18 recombine pellets in a secret room
Click Start Bots to start your free 10 bots! More bots available in the game shop. Controls: Split: A, Feed: X, or Q to switch.
You can add your friends by username after they register a free account on, or players that you meet in the map by right clicking their cell and selecting the option: Add Friend.
You can then play on the same server, chat via private messages, enter secret rooms together, and much more!
Invite Player To Party
User Profile
Private Message
Add As Friend
Mute Player
Spectate Player
Party Message
Leave Party
Unmute Player